Stalk and Spook Hunting
Sometimes hunting your hardest just ain't good enough.
Stalk and Spook is a play on words stemming from the widely used hunting term "Spot and Stalk Hunting." Putting in time and effort often leads to nothing...or does it? Even stories of the biggest screw ups, blunders, and "I could've's" deserve to be told. We hunt hard, laugh frequently, and understand that being out there is what it means to be a hunter, whether you are successful or not. No one is perfect, and these are our stories of failure and success, whether it be stalk or spook...
We are a group of a friends that started bow hunting Montana and quickly realized how difficult it is. Spot and stalk hunting seemed to have the most excitement associated with it, but its proved to have many more spooks than actual successes. It's taken us numerous years to hone in our archery skills and every time we have a successful hunt, we feel extremely blessed knowing that failure was just one change of wind or wrong step away. Failure as a hunter is a reality, as it'll happen much more than a success will. Embracing this aspect in hunting has allowed us to learn more from our mistakes, rather than dwelling on them. As hunters, its our responsibility to respect the outdoors and wildlife that we are blessed to have, and we feel that fair chase bow hunting is the purest way to respect what we've been given as hunters.
May the stalks be silent and the spooks be few!
Some of the Stalk and Spook crew after a little antelope spooking with 900 tags
“A hunt based only on trophies taken falls far short of what the ultimate goal should be...time to commune with your inner soul as you share the outdoors with the birds, animals, and fish that live there.”