This was my first unsuccessful stalk and spook with my bow. While I normally am a very successful stalk and spooker, this time I got close enough without making much noise and got a 20 yard shot off before I could spook the deer away. A clean lung/heart shot at 20 yards was my reward from 2 long years of hard-core stalk and spooking. My first bow kill was something I'll never forget and I'm very excited for this coming season.
Hopefully I can keep my stalk and spook'n down to a minimum and get some more critters down!
-Comancho T. Norris
Equipment used: Matthews Z7 (pimped)- Black Gold HD sight, Gold Tip Vapor arrows, Sitka Camo, Vancouver Canuks camo hat, BVD's with a couple holes in 'em, Schnee's Beartooth boots